Help Us Grow
Donate to MAFPG:
By check, made out to
"Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens, Inc."
and mailed to:
Michael Kepler
MAFPG Treasurer
P.O. 5116
Madison, WI 53705
Click the button below to
donate online with PayPal or
with a debit or credit card.
To donate via Electronic Transfer of Funds (ETF) for secure and quick transfer from your bank and ours:
Contact Darcie Van Dop
Join our 25 Years in 2025 Celebration as a Perennial Partner:
What began as collecting surplus produce from area Farmers' Markets, expanded to a faithful group of Garden Leaders "borrowing" land to start growing additional produce, to now a network of nine gardens that has since donated 2.3 Million pounds of fresh, culturally relevant produce to the Dane County Emergency Food System.
As we enter into our 25th anniversary year in 2025, we need your help to meet new milestones. Will 2,500 volunteers and 2.5 employees help us achieve a donation of 125,000 pounds of culturally appropriate specialty produce to 25 food pantries and community meal programs in Dane County? Can we plant 25 new orchard trees? Will we have the funding needed to begin planning for 25 new raised beds to ensure we provide more accessible gardening opportunities for all?
Please consider becoming a "Perennial Partner" - 125 people in 2025 who will make a monthly donation of $25 (or an annual donation of $300) to help us raise $37,500 to achieve these goals and move us closer to creating community-level nutrition security in Dane County.
(Select Perennial Partner from the drop down menu options when you donate by PayPal or Card)
As a special thanks,
our first 50 Perennial Partners will be gifted
with an MAFPG Commemorative Ornament
Gifts can be made to Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens in many ways. We are a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization (Federal Tax ID/EIN: 45-5052677) and all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult with your financial planner, accountant, and/or estate planning attorney prior to making any gifts to your favorite charitable organizations. Contact Brian Arndt , Board President, with any questions about giving to Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens.
Monthly Giving
Become a Perennial Partner! Monthly giving is a hassle-free, affordable way to have an ongoing impact by spreading your donation throughout the year. Start giving a recurring donation today.
- Your credit card is billed automatically each month
- You save us time, paper, and postage, so your gift has more impact
Corporate Matching Gifts
Many companies will match an employee’s gift to a non-profit organization on a dollar-for-dollar basis doubling your impact! In some cases, companies will also match the gifts of retired employees. Check and find out if your employer has a matching gift program. Send corporate matching gifts to: Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens, PO Box 5116, Madison, WI 53705.
Memorials and Honorariums
Honor or remember a loved one today with a gift supporting the creation of community-level nutrition security.
Donor-Advised Funds
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized charitable account. It allows charitably-inclined individuals, families, and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash, publicly-traded stock, and in some cases, certain liquid assets.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
A QCD allows individuals who are 70½ years old or older to directly transfer up to $105,000 to charitable organizations from their individual retirement account (IRA). For individuals 72 or older, the transfer satisfies the required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year. As a result, donors may avoid being pushed into higher income tax brackets and prevent phaseouts of other tax deductions.
The full fair market value can be transferred to charitable organizations Capital gains are avoided for stocks that have appreciated and have been held for more than 1 year.
Thrivent Choice
Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens is enrolled in Thrivent Financial’s member-advised charitable grant program. Thrivent members can make a personal donation and Thrivent pays the processing fees. Nearly $600 million has been distributed to churches and nonprofits nationwide through this program. Please visit the Thrivent Choice page (hyperlink) for more information.
Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA): This is a contract between a donor and a charitable organization that provides the donor with a fixed (consistent) income for life in exchange for a donation to the charitable organization. The donor receives a tax deduction for the donation, and the charitable organization uses the remaining funds to support its work. Annuity payment amounts are based on the size of the gift and the age of the beneficiary. Younger donors often prefer Deferred Gift Annuities – they would receive the charitable tax-deduction when the annuity is set up and the annuity payments begin at retirement.
Gifts of Real Estate: We may be able to accept gifts of real estate such as land, a farm, or a home. Under current tax laws, donors pay no capital gains when they make lifetime contributions of real estate held for more than one year. For transfers made at death, under a will or trust, the estate tax charitable deduction is generally based on fair market value.